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Chipmunk in the wire!!!!!
We really like our chipmunks. They are considered "outdoor pets" . But, they are close to losing this status. Yesterday, 90+ degrees and a "feels like" of over , the fan on the air conditioner compressor stops working. I take off the sheet metal over the control board and find..... a chipmunk nest compacted on top of the circuit board, and a fried "munk" with a chewed through wire in his mouth. 1.5 hours later, after working in the "less than pleasant" direct sun, everything is working. A $25.00 capacitor, and re-wiring with a soldering gun... and some Reisling....

Then, I find a youngster munk furiously digging up and munching on all the petite daffodils in one of our front garden beds. The garden plot looks like an ariel view of the aftermath of carpet bombing in the jungle.

So! My question for the elite Agnostic Gardeners is;
Chipmunk control..... is it possible without a massacre?

bigpawbullets 9 June 21
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At least they didn’t fry the board

Donto101 Level 7 June 21, 2018

Coyote urine or scent. Get it at a hunting store.

Mooolah Level 8 June 21, 2018

I'll try this.
Old conservative Caucasian male urine has no effect.

@bigpawbullets =0} Works on keeping me at a distance.

Hey!!! Then it IS useful!


They breed like the striped, cute rats that they are, borrow a dog for a week and if it is worth its salt your chipmunk problem will be resolved or at least knocked down to a manageable level. 😉 Good thing you know your way around a soldering gun and electronics, most people would still be waiting on the A/C repairman and a bill much higher than $25.

Surfpirate Level 9 June 21, 2018

Zorak the Wonder Dog.... Our German Shepherd, does his best. You're so right about breeding like rats.

@bigpawbullets Our old neighbour taught our Bouvier to go after Chipmunks because they were always raiding his bird feeder. It wasn't a big thing because she had already decimated the local groundhog and squirrel population by the time she was 2. Great Dog, sure do miss her.


Invite predators like foxes to your property. If you are in an appropriate region of the US, a strategically placed rat snake or two will drive them off for good! I unfortunately am too far north, but southern and NE folks can try this.
Just let the corn snakes slither into the holes and voila no more munks

Leafhead Level 8 June 21, 2018
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