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Burn Barrel and Molotov Cocktail

I was weedwhacking the jungle that is on the north side of the house, also cleared a path to the burn barrel. The branches and leaves and twigs were still slightly damp from the rain a few days ago, so the idea of making a harmless little Molotov cocktail jumped into my head. I soaked some leaves and bark in gasoline and placed it in a cardboard box. lit it and chucked it into the barrel. Kaboom!
The flame came right back to me, singed a few hairs , then fell into the barrel and set the leaves on fire. Success.
Don't worry. I won't do that again. I am now too old for precision tossing and ducking. And yes, I can burn things in a burn barrel here. I will just have to work on my lighting technique.

Spinliesel 9 June 26
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Now I feel quite boring.

and I feel quite stupid this morning.


OK, seeing as you are fine, I don't feel too bad for having a chuckle. I have done similar things often enough myself.

Rugglesby Level 8 June 27, 2018

Wow, quite the excitement today, you little pyromaniac you!

do not get exited by fire. i was just impatient


cut a hole in the side bottom of the barrel and put your starter in first, then pile on the waste. Then use some kind of long grill lighter through the hole and then run.

EricJones Level 8 June 26, 2018

I am worried about cutting a hole in the bottom. That may set the gras around it on fire. But the grill lighter is a good idea. Thanks.

@Spinliesel put the holes in the side of the barrel toward the very bottom creating a chimney affect. The burning material doesn’t fall out.


Best to mix in diesel with the gasoline, 50/50 tends to work well.

Surfpirate Level 9 June 26, 2018

That will prevent the flash bang?

@Spinliesel The problem is the vapour cloud that comes off the gasoline, if you had waited a bit longer to light the gasoline soaked debris it would have exploded in your face, the diesel helps to slow the vapour development but it is still dodgy. I gallon of gasoline has the same explosive energy as a stick of TNT so you really want to be careful. A better idea would be to start a small fire in the barrel with paper or other tinder, then toss in a mixture of gasoline and diesel or even some old motor oil, it doesn't take a lot to make a big fire so just a couple of ounces is plenty.

@Surfpirate Yes, I stand corrected. Thanks.

@Spinliesel I've had a few run ins with firebombs myself. lol - Never a good thing if you are a hairy kinda guy, all that hair being singed can be a bit painful not to mention the smell. 😀

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