4 4

My aha moment. If you can compost deep bedding a chicken pen why can’t you do the same for the dog pen. The dogs only go out for 5 minuets at a time just to use the bathroom. I can go out once a week and turn it then toss a little more chips on top. The pen is only till I get the whole property fenced in. Should be pretty potent compost once it breaks down. The one dog is over 165 lbs. .

Donto101 7 June 28
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A friend of mine who ran a kennel on 30 acres always dug a hole filled it over time with dog feces. Everytime he placed the refuse in the hole he covered it with some soil layering it as a compost pile. When it was level with the ground he just dug another hole. But carrion eating animal's feces should not be used in a human consumption garden. Other than that it is fine to keep burying it.

Mooolah Level 8 June 29, 2018

Dog feces can be composted but they need to be composted at high heat over long periods.



Are these wood chips from a bag or from a chipper?

Leafhead Level 8 June 29, 2018

A chipper

Just make sure all your mulch is tick free. I got a truck load of mulch with disastrous results

@Leafhead I haven’t seen any ticks at all


ROFL! I love how Americans say that everything, including dogs "uses the bathroom"! I even heard an embarrassed announcer on TV say a cow was "going to the bathroom" when it was taking a piss in a field. Do you think these Victorian euphemisms will ever die out in the US? I also like the fact that "the dogs go out for 5 minutes" and you only "go out once a week" - do you have a special area of the "bathroom" that you use??

GoldenDoll Level 7 June 29, 2018

Well it is kinda like their little bathroom area. It is fenced off just for them. And I go out there once a week to clean up. But now instead of throwing the poop in the trash I will be covering with wood chips.

Well if the dog poops in the living room I'm sure they don't say the dog's gone to the bathroom . I won't say what I say when my daughters dog craps in the house .

Well you folks say "the LOO" What the hell is a loo anyway. =0}

@Countrywoman Animals don't go to the loo - people do. Animals piss in a field.


I have always been cautioned about composting dog manure.

btroje Level 9 June 28, 2018

I've read that too but not in an article that explains why. Is it because of their diet. And why is humanure ok? I'm dumb as a post and it shows on compost.

I believe it has to do with parasites.

@bigpawbullets yes I think so just wasnt looking it up

Dog poop can be used in garden but needs to be composted first because of round worms. In Florida it would probably be safe after one year. But I would wait to tears anyway.


@farmboy2017 human waist and dog waist needs a long time to compost. Dog because of round worms human because viruses bacteria and other pathogens. Both can be used but need extended time and high heat. One year in the Florida heat would probably be safe but I plan on waiting at least 2 years once it is collected and piled up. Human urine is safe by its self and can be directly on plant but need to bE deluded 8 parts water to one part water.

There is a product similar to Milorganite called Florganic coming out of Florida that uses composted human refuse as a source.
I would say nix to either, at least when it comes to edible gardens, because of our crappy diets. GIGO.

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