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Here’s another poll. Where does everyone stand on organic gardening? I try to go as organic as possible. But if all else fails to save a plant or tree I will use a pesticide but but only small amount on plants in trouble And I do supplement compost spread around plants with chemicals fertilizer if I feel they need it. Until my compost post system really starts to produce high quality compost in abundance. And remember this isn’t a debate post just want to know where we stand.

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Donto101 7 July 3
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I use a bit of soapy water, sometimes with a dash of rubbing alcohol to get rid of any persistent pests like Squash Beetles, otherwise I rely on planting heirloom seeds that are already adapted to resist pests and plantings that deter pests. My garden is bordered with 600 garlic plants and a few dozen marigolds which helps to deter pests and I have a pond beside it which attracts frogs, toads and birds which feed on any bugs that come to dine on what's mine. 🙂

Surfpirate Level 9 July 4, 2018

...all my garlic died in one week after about 5 weeks post planting.....I am still baffled by that. I may have gotten a bad batch of starter cloves. I need to research what soil types they need, ph, and all that before I try again next year.


I only kill three things in the garden
Hornet nests
Yellow jacket nests
Japanese beetles
The first two I have a foaming agent for the nest
The japs I kill by hand.

RoundUp: cut-and-paint only, no broadcasting or spraying of any kind, to be painted on buckthorn, honeysuckle, etc stumps.

Leafhead Level 8 July 4, 2018

I live on sand, have made soil from mulch and compost which gives me a great base, but it lacks trace elements, so have to add them which I do in soluble form. Spray is the only solution I have found to citrus leaf miner, all other pests are controlled naturally, and we just don't plant things like cabbages as teh grubs and snails would have a field day.

Rugglesby Level 8 July 4, 2018

I get in there and weed and go after the bigger bugs by hand. I have a huge compost heap-about 8x8 feet and about 2.5 feet high. My dogs help me with it-they're always digging in it. Saves me having to turn it. I will use some chemical fertilizer when I have to, but thats kinda rare, I usually make my own. College chem 121 wasn't a total waste🙂 I try to use natural pesticides when I can. BT is usually my go to.

EricJones Level 8 July 4, 2018

Organic whenever possible. ♥ Food definitely.

CaroleKay Level 8 July 4, 2018

I have a worm box in the pantry and a compost bin in the yard. I never use anyhtingicides.

When are you going to share the recipes for your "worms kept in the pantry"?


Heirloom seeds and pesticide free...yep. (I do use essential oils and other plants to keep the uggy buggies away)

That’s great I hope to get to that point soon. I haven’t used any pesticides in 2 years

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