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A few days ago while servicing me baling tractor, I discovered a nest of garden bees had set up shop in the frame of the tractor. Found them while blasting out the rad with air; thankfully I choose air over the pressure washer or I would have drown them.
I couldn't get them out so, they now have a mobile home and will be seeing where the best flowers grow across the 13.5 miles spread of my farm.
Checked on them this morning things are still a buzz, I hope they survive.

HeathenFarmer 8 July 20
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Well aren't you a good one. Oh. I see. You are Canadian. That makes a difference. Not so much respect here south of your border, for insects but we are working on that. Alberta is expansive. I would love to purchase about 30 acres slap dab in the middle of your insular farm.

Mooolah Level 8 July 20, 2018

It is not as insular as you think; the druggies have discovered that rural properties are an easy target because the time lag on police response. We are have to fortify our homes and farmyards. This is really tough to deal with for those of us that grow up never even having a look on the door and leaving our keys in the ignition incase our neighbours needed to use the phone or get home in an emergency.

@HeathenFarmer Sorry to hear that. I seek isolation but find intrusion often. It would be difficult to secure such a property as yours. Is there any recourse? Groups that can patrol?. Mine fields?

@Countrywoman Gates, electrified fences, dogs and video camera do seem to help reduce it. Looking out for your neighbours helps, too, pay attention to the coming and going of vehicles. The problems really start when the f**ks know farmers are off working in the field or adage people go to work in town.


I fired up my roto tiller two days ago to prep a section of my garden for replanting and hornets came out of the hollow frame piece. I got out of there in a hurry and was lucky not to get stung. Since they were hornets and not bees I came back with a can of foaming hornet spray and eliminated the problem.
13.5 miles, how many sections is that?

Surfpirate Level 9 July 20, 2018

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do but hornets & wasps are valuable pest control.

@Countrywoman I have an over abundance of wasps and hornets, not enough honey bees or wild bees. One of the insects that wasps and hornets prey upon are bees.

@Surfpirate yes, I have no love lost for hornets or certain wasps. If we need more predators, I am happy to support many others, like dragonflies. ?

@MikeInBatonRouge The horseflies and the deerflies are out in force lately and I can tell when the dragonflies are out too, it makes the difference between constantly checking to make sure that I don't have some blood sucking fly landing on me and no flies. The dragonflies are like my miniature air force flying top over me and swooping down to devour any flies that want to loll around my head looking for a place to bite.

@Surfpirate isn't nature gentle and harmonious?

I farm only 6 quarters but, they are spread out. Purchasing blocks of land here is nearly impossible so when expanding you buy what you can within a reasonable distance.

@HeathenFarmer 6 x 160 acres is 960 acres which a lot of dirt. I used to hunt Hungarian Partridge out near Brookes with a buddy who's pal owned 6 sections. I asked him what was within bounds so we didn't trespass and he just said if you go beyond the horizon then you may have gone too far.


I have only seen on bee this year maybe it was too hot for them - It was seriously furious with me and intent on driving me out of its territory - I took the hint!

jacpod Level 8 July 20, 2018

The lack of bees in areas is getting to be a very common phenomena and a problem.

The bees are being destroyed by the pesticide agribusiness is using.


Just check around where you sit and place your hands and feet.If you can find the queen and move her, the rest of the hive should follow.

EricJones Level 8 July 20, 2018

I know where she is but there is only a bolt hole that goes into the space between the inner frame and the outer. I know how to move bees and have the equipment but just no way to get them out of the tube. I even have a nice indoor wood pile to have put the in but they aren't going to be moved.

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