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My Redbuds trees came in bloom this past week. I am particularly pleased with the 3 Redbud trees and 3 Mimosa trees (not pictured) because I planted them as seeds 20 years ago. Today, the Redbuds are these pink burst of color on a dreary rainy day.

The other plant is one of several different Primulina plants I discovered on-line for purchase. I was looking for African Violets and Episcias all of which are related. I never would have gussed how huge the plant family (Gesnaria) including all these genera is. The flower on this plant was a surprise and was press against the window. It kind of flatened one side. Most of my recent gardening has been indoor.

RussRAB 8 Mar 17
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Their color fascinates me. It seems to me that these flowers enliven the whole street. I like to do plant growing, but I have absolutely no time for it because of work. Users on the forum advised me to grow succulents, as this type of plant is not demanding. It is enough just once every two weeks to abundantly water them. My friend also wanted a succulent; I decided to give it to her and learn about hens and chicks propagation. Now my friend and I will have almost the same flowers.

Olandeep Level 1 Apr 30, 2022

Love Redbuds and this one almost looks like a Western Redbud (multiple trunks). Mine is starting to bud. It reminds me I need to transplant another one.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 17, 2020

Love redbud! So hardy & cheerful!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 17, 2020

Absolutely beautiful pink and purple color on the tree 😄😊😍


Gorgeous trees! You have quite the green thumb growing them from seed!

Well, some seeds germinate much easier than others. Redbuds and Mimosa are pretty easy and I had to thin plenty. Thinning is a standard gardening practice, but I never like doing it.

@RussRAB I know, the thinning part gets me down because I know I’m killing a perfectly good plant.😟

@Redheadedgammy - I've tried transplanting thinned seedlings at times, but sometime there are just too many for the space available.


I love redbud trees.


Lovely photos. That looks like Cercis siliquastrum, which we call Judas Tree in the UK, is it the same thing ? And is It called Redbud in the US because the bible belt don't like anything to do with Judas, I wonder ? LOL

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 17, 2020

I'm unfamiliar with the name Judas Tree. When I looked up Cercis siliquastrum, I find a number of species in the Cercis genus. They all appear so similar, however, I couldn't easily tell them apart. In the US, most of what appears for sale is the American or Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis. There is also a Texas subspecies, but again, it appears so similar to other varieties, I can't tell the difference. The seeds I grew were collected from a tree in a public park and I have no idea what variety they are.


Love your shower of pink blossoms !

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 17, 2020
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