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There was a recent dietary study published in the well regarded Lancet medical journal titled "Dietary carbohydrate intake and mortality: a prospective cohort study and meta-analysis" that has received a great deal of publicity, but little skepticism which is a shame because it is a pretty shoddy piece of research. Unfortunately, because it was published in the Lancet itis accepted as gospel. I won't attempt to dissect the study myself because there are others far more knowledgeable and articulate than myself that have done so that I encourage you to read them for yourselves:



In a nutshell, the study suggests that 55% of daily calories consumed as carbohydrates will prolong your life by 4 years on average. However, the authors I linked to above clearly illustrate that that conclusion cannot be plausible, but only perpetuates the same lie that low fat and high carb is the way to a healthy lifestyle when we know the opposite to be true.

Graynotgrey 5 Sep 6
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Posted by HHHeathenIn an effort to stay on keto-track during isolation, my honey and I just finished 5 days of what we call Egg Week.

Posted by GuyKeithI just made a batch of deviled eggs with ghost pepper hot sauce.

Posted by HathacatSnacks! Lots to choose from.

Posted by AiveryKeto southern food. 2 carb BBQ sauce, Mashed cauliflower with sour cream, shredded cheese, bacon bits, and green onions.

Posted by AiveryKeto brinner. Hash made from radishes and green onions.

Posted by AiveryBrag time. I made this tonight. It's delicious.

Posted by AiveryBrag time. I made this tonight. It's delicious.

Posted by boatdude87My daughter came over for dinner last night.

Posted by boatdude87It was my son's birthday a couple of days ago.

Posted by AiverySharing the delicious keto meal I made tonight. And the specs.

Posted by AiverySharing the delicious keto meal I made tonight. And the specs.

Posted by AiveryHey, new to the group.

Posted by GraynotgreyIf you are near New London, CT this weekend you may want to check out Ketofest 2018.

Posted by fauxname11Bacon ends & pieces, mushrooms, spinach and a few grape tomatoes. I’m down another 2.6 pounds. I fast for 24 hours once a week and considering increasing it to 34 hours.

Posted by pokerboss77Low-carb Beanie Weenie. LOL!

Posted by jperlowBacon, Genoa salami, jalapeño and cheese omelette.

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