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My apologies....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 6
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They are extremely Dumb and extremely Dangerous .

GEGR Level 7 May 7, 2020

THIS is my new favorite thing. lol

freeofgod Level 8 May 6, 2020

If you've ever been a teacher - you've met the future Trump supporters.

They were bright...but arrogant. They often thought they "knew it all". They were the worst, the most "problematic" in school....

...and ridiculing them doesn't work. In fact; it hardens their resolve.

It doesn't make them makes them more determined to be rebellious.

So take it from me....a 45 year retired teacher.

This banter is charming...but if you want to get through to to a #Trumpster you have to be "empathetic".

They're ignorant - but righteous. Very convinced (as most of the religious we know) that their POV is right.

And if we don't "win" them over...we are going to be stuck with another 4 years...and possibly longer - of the Trump-#religulous- conservative rule in America.

Watch and share this on FB....please. They're decent folk who are just profoundly ignorant.

When I was a teacher I would just kick these ignorant fools out of class. All they did was just disrupt the class and hinder those who wanted to learn.

That's a good one. Those that create the loudest adult-baby tantrums screaming unfairness seem to be the ones heard and believed... especially if they claim they have good christian americans.




Hannity reads to them every night . . You know as in "Now I lie you down to sleep . . . ."


I do not apologize. tRump supporters deserve all the scorn they can get.

I just wonder how many will realize what they are reading....

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