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Seriously, who doesn't know how to cook bacon?

scurry 9 June 24
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My sister took Home Economics in High school and she learned to make "cheesy potatoes" but that was about it. I took the class as well a different year but could have taught it because for the final the class was broken up in groups to make a dinner including dessert. I chose my team (oddly all the girls wanted to be in my group) and while the others made hamburgers and other crap we made manicotti, a salad, and baked Alaska. Since the class was graded on a curve we all got the only A's in the class.... Oddly also I was the only guy in the class who had no trouble at all getting dates that year even though several members of the football team were in it and I was the science nerd... Don't even get me started on how the girls used to bribe me to be my lab partner in the science class I took each semester....


One of my offspring wound up in a home ec class of high school seniors. Turned out ze could have been teaching it. Their idea of cooking was teaching them how to make grilled cheese sandwiches. Something my kids learned as soon as they could reach the stove, but nobody else in the class had a clue. Ze literally has 19 year old friends who don't know how to feed themselves. Cooking bacon for that crowd would likely involve the fire department and an ambulance.

wolf041 Level 7 June 25, 2020

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