4 10

Sounds like a plan....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 25
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I am totally on board, but it will then mean that I'm going to get the trump pop-up adds.
... But if it works, it might be worth it.

scurry Level 9 June 26, 2020

Nobody said you have to give any information to start a cart.... Actually it is better if you don't but if you just feel like you have to try this name.... Jack Meiofe with the email


Two interesting thoughts:

  1. I thought Donald Trump had no chance to become President until I took my son to DC during Memorial Day weekend of 2016, and I saw all the people selling (and buying) Trump merchandise.
  2. Does anyone out there have any Joe Biden merchandise?
BD66 Level 8 June 25, 2020



What are the effects?! 😂😂😂

He has shit sitting around marked as sold that isn't... It also shows that he doesn't have any and needs to order more so he gets overstocked...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz well.. That's pretty stoopid! Why tie up inventory for unconfirmed orders? It's no wonder why he files for bankruptcy so often! 😜😂😂😂

@Cutiebeauty I have never noticed competence being high on the list of his priorities usually it has more to do with kissing his ass and stoking his huge ego. Normally an online store purges its abandoned carts on a 24 or 48 hour cycle but in his case I doubt if they thought of it at all... I am kind of wondering how much of his campaign funds something like this would tie up?... If the Kpop kids got involved it could amount to the tens of millions just from them alone....


I used to let my daughter grab all the baby in the trolley bait and then dump it at the cashier's checkout point so they had to reshelve it.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 25, 2020

E-sales are slightly different.... for one thing unless they purge the carts the merch stays in them so the computer doesn't see it as available for sale. The thing is I have never noticed competence as being high on Trump's list of priorities so I doubt his online store has been set up to purge abandoned carts at all much less on a daily or even weekly basis....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I suspected that was the problem. I used to call my tactic supermarket Guerilla warfare. Trump will probably call it terrorism. The terrorism however lies in underhanded marketing tricks by unscrupulous businesses.

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