I've heard that people dress up in costumes like that and have sex. Is that what happens when you've had enough sex?
About the same as when you have Ruff sex is my guess....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I can't imagine getting so jaded that I'd have to wear a costume to make sex fun.
@BitFlipper Hey don't be so judgemental as long as it is consensual and nobody is hurt as well as children not being involved as far as I see they are doing nothing wrong or immoral. To each their own....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm not being judgemental. I only refered to myself.
@BitFlipper I am not the one who used the term "jaded"....
@BitFlipper >I can't imagine getting so jaded that I'd have to wear a costume to make sex fun.
I rather not think about anyone on this site having sex.
I'm the only one who admits to having sex. Most of the time it's all this whining about the people in here who can't find people who will haul their ashes. There are a lot of women in here that spend their time moaning the RIGHT person won't jump their bones.
There seems to be an obsession about NOT getting laid in here. Therefore when people who dress up to have sex in costumes is mentioned, I see all this stuff about "That's fucking odd." Hey, the furry people get laid. Not getting laid often is the odd stuff.
Bunch of weirdos in here.
@Bn4fE5 Call me jaded.
@WonderWartHog99 yes, there are some us here who are not blessed with whatever-it-is that makes you guys so irresistible. Some of us just aren't on the guest list, nonetheless we keep trying. I regret that my comments upset you, they were not directed to you personally. Sometimes my frustration just boils over.
@BitFlipper >I regret that my comments upset you, they were not directed to you personally.
Nor were my comments directed at you personally either. Nowhere in my reply was the phrase "Now this little member of the Great Unlaid . . . . " I was not upset, instead I was shooting the breeze. Being the verbose blow hard that I am, the breeze was injured instead.
>there are some us here who are not blessed with whatever-it-is that makes you guys so irresistible.
I'd tell you what it is but nobody takes my advice.
Good point! But kind of unkind to assume furry fans are tRumpers, isn't it?
Furries aren't but these guys are a different matter...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Nuh-uh! Is that real? And eeeeyew!
@Lauren Yeah they really did all that and they were Republicans but they have been in prison during the reign of the Dumpster fire... I have no doubt they would have attended his rallies and voted for him as well as marching in many of the White Supremacist protests we have been seeing.... After all they are a part of the "master race" too right?....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Ugh, how despicable. I'll rest a bit easier when we get the rest of the master race in jail.
Not judging you but any personal experience?
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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