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The religion of paranoia....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 July 21
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Oh goody! They're back! Time to plant the seed of questioning your bullshit religion! "Smoke a dubie, bros?"


It's all in how you look at it. They helped me landscape a yard in exchange for pizza and music.

beenthere Level 7 July 21, 2020

They are extinct in my building

The best part of the pandemic is they are rarely seen wandering the streets hunting for victims these days....


Moron (oops, Mormon) missionaries. 🙄😣😖

I tell them that Joe Smith use Moron as a name for his cult because he held his followers in justifiable contempt.... Just leaving the second m out proves it.... It never takes more than one or two visits for me to annoy them so much they blacklist my home....


I tell them to get off my property. Had a pair that reached over a 6ft metal panel gate to unlock the D shackle on the gate to open it. I was recovering from knee surgery and had to wear a padded brace on my leg (imagine a cricket pad over your entire leg in tropical heat) I watched them walk down the drive, they knocked I got up it was about 9am on a weekend morning. I opened the door the screen door was locked and shut. They started to talk I launched, Told them it was disrespectful to arrive at someone's house before 10am on a weekend, that I had leg surgery and had to strap on the brace to get up to answer (I was still in my pjs) that they had unlocked a gate to gain access to the house and that they had until the count of three to be the other side of the gate as that was when I was going to open the screen door and let my dog out. She, a beautiful german shepherd had started her low rumble growl that she reserved for when animals were prowling around outside of the house. ONE, they turned and ran, TWO I opened the door, They reached the gate as my pup got to them. She sat (not allowed out without us so would not leave) as they shut the gate growling at them. Then I saw their hands come over and the locked the gate. I went back to my bed in the lounge and continued watching TV with my brother who could of answered the door but it was more fun me doing it.

Budgie Level 8 July 21, 2020

ask which one of them spends more time on their knees

I enjoy asking them questions about the history of their own religion... They hate me for that...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I do that too . . . always an enjoyable squirm

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