11 13

How do you read/pronounce it?

scurry 9 Oct 11
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There’s a kernel of truth to this.

Bikes4Fish Level 7 Oct 12, 2020

I know I posted this meme, but I seriously couldn't see it as anything other that God Is Nowhere.
I finally had to looked it up, then I LOLed so much!

scurry Level 9 Oct 11, 2020

One word: Smudge!



I doubt seriously they will post my comment.... I referred to it as another sign of religion dying like pole dancing for Jesus or raffling assault rifles, having open bars predicting that soon they will go back to prostitution like the church used in Europe before Martin Luther....

@altschmerz Have to have a few fake accounts handy to start the ball rolling... I doubt many people read their shit anyway I just wanted to stick the needle in and give it a twist is all... If everyone here did they would likely close down their online portal because I doubt their traffic is more than 20 visits a week and maybe a month. They are just looking for fresh meat in a market that is oversaturated and growing smaller each year...
Since their website is shit anyway I left them a fake email as well... ( most well written websites use authentication for the emails. Most religious websites don't because they don't really understand what they are doing. This also has the benefit of making them prime targets for hackers. I hope nobody here who goes to that site has Windows or IOS computers....


Christians never learn....

Great meme!!
Is Pizza Hut known for being Christian??

@scurry Pizza Slut since YUM Brands took them over now the pizza tastes like fermented tomato paste and wax on white bread...
No connection I have seen at this time.


Where's this?

I had a feeling someone might ask, so I posted a link below with more info, including location. 😉


The word No comes before Now so sticking with that 🤣


God is nowhere 😂


It took me relative ages to be able to read "now here", "no where" a micro second.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 11, 2020

Haven't read it all, but here's a link with some more info...

scurry Level 9 Oct 11, 2020

Poor sign making at best, average religious marketing to be sure.

jeshuey Level 8 Oct 11, 2020
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