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Happy genocidal Italian piece of shit who discovered the Bahamas day...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Oct 12
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Columbus was not an invader. He sailed west hoping to find a shorter route to India 🇮🇳.

And still enslaved people and cut off the hands or feet of children when their parents couldn't bring him their weight in gold...

scurry Level 9 Oct 12, 2020

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

scurry Level 9 Oct 12, 2020

Yeah, if he hadn't you wouldn't be now living there.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 12, 2020

I don't live in the Bahamas....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz why bitch then?

@FrayedBear I don't know why do you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm not. Columbus means nothing to me. I thought that you were US born?

@FrayedBear Do you have any idea how much damage "good Catholics" like that piece of shit have done to my country and because they have had the political power forced a holiday idealizing that piece of shit and corrupting children's education on our own history in the process? All because Italian Roman Catholics wanted to be considered "White" and a "master race?"....
All the while allowing their priests to rape children "in the name of god"...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Facetiously - you could have had Muslim slaver discover the Americas. Question is would you now be Shi'ite or Sharia? Or how about Admiral Zheng He who was born into a Muslim family?

Here in Australia there has also been much catholic😛rotestant disharmony, some still ingrained. Me? As with all politicians it doesn't matter what class, color or religion, I just despise them all.

As for public holidays, I think Australia proves who its gods are by having more public holidays to banks, royalty, horse racing (the whole nation stops on Melbourne Cup day in November), war remembrance days and I think there is one trade union/labour day than it recognises xtian /pagan days. We also have an equivalent Columbus day inAustalia rcognising a day/month close to that of the first landing & start of the lega fiction that only animals lived on the subcontinent!

@FrayedBear If I ever come into possession of a time machine I will use it to preform an abortion on the plague called religion....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz lol, you'll have to be travelling a long time back. I suspect that clergyism/priesthood is the first oldest profession!

@FrayedBear Something worth doing is worth doing right...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz See you at the first cave inhabited by human beings. I guarantee that the equivalent of JH's came a'knocking!


Nope, can't say I've ever run out of spices or killed anyone.. I'm pretty sure....

Me either I buy in bulk and keep track of what I use...

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