Priced in $ ??
Burger King is a British corporation.... Dick is a German company.... What you would be buying is "steak in the Hamburg style" tenderized by a Dick meat tenderizer....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Burger King is owned by a US/Canadian conglomerate which also has Tim Hortons in it's portfolio.
The fast food outlet that even makes Macdonalds look classy.
@Moravian At this time yes thanks to a corporate inversion... Seems though it was originally founded and owned by Pillsbury... They chain has gone through a lot of acquisitions and divestments worldwide...
Since everyone isn't getting this meme you can find the answer in this link....
I buy meat tenderiders like that for the UK equivalent of 25 pence.
@FrayedBear But this one is a Dick....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I suggest that it is anyone who pays the £60+ advertised price who is the dick as in stupid prick! My 25p. job tenderises meat.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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