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What christians like to think an atheist is. 😂

Lilu59 5 Nov 21
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A few memes to keep handy...

Robecology Level 9 Nov 24, 2020


glennlab Level 10 Nov 21, 2020

Admittedly, I may have vomited some green stuff at some point...

scurry Level 9 Nov 21, 2020

if they wanted sense and reason they wouldn't be in church to begin with


The world is full of stupid people and they are frequently too lazy to take the trouble to learn the truth - myth is more easily digested.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 21, 2020

Gods aren’t there for us to hate them!!

Truth. You can't hate something that does not exist. 😊

@Lilu59 I dunno about that. I hate most Batman Villans, the evil orc-things form LotR, the Flying Monkeys from Oz...
Feeling emotional about fictional characters is kinda normal. Even learning about stuff from stories is ok.
The problem is Believing the Vogons are going to blow up Earth or that Scooby Doo will unmask the ghosts and save the day in real life.

@scurry And there was me hoping to hear more Vogan poetry

@davers For you, good Sir.

@scurry Where is this from? I find it rather cute.

@EyesThatSmile It's from The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy. 🙂

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