11 13

And a side of bacon, please.

scurry 9 Dec 12
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Where can I find this gorgeous mound of carnivorous delight?

The guy who owned the restaurant died of a heart attack at 43 as I recall...

Doesn't look like a restaurant. Might be Home-made. 🙂

@scurry Possibly after all in Mississippi the average lifespan is 62 last time I checked mostly due to cheap deep fried food diets...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm 65, so I'm ready to go! LOL!

@1BrentMichael I think Floraduh is a little higher but I wouldn't go to a doctor in a state that says if you are over 50 the doctor can't be held accountable no matter how badly he fucks up.



FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 13, 2020

Now I would make my own as a double with cheese and bacon but I use 93% patties and have an oven rack for the bacon because I like mine crisp. As much fat as that has in it if you ate those even twice a week you would need a quadruple bypass by your 25th birthday...


Can I supersize it? (asking for a friend)


Is that from the Heart Attack Cafe in Vegas? Lol

Might be.



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 12, 2020

Gross! 🤢🤮🤮🤮


Never understood why people made fun of the diet Coke thing.

But I wanna fuck that burger up.

Many very overweight people have a diet Coke to go with their candy bars.

@Lorajay And? The less calories you drink the more calories you can eat! I actually prefer diet to regular, independent of calories. The few times I got pop when I was young, it was always diet, and it's what I'm used to. Now, regular tastes gritty and syrupy to me, and I do not enjoy it at all. Anyway, there are lots of reasons people order diet that aren't stupid, nonsensical, or incongruent.


Heart attack city

glennlab Level 10 Dec 12, 2020

Is that Diaper Donnie’s daily lunch menu?


That should feed a family of 5.

freedom41 Level 9 Dec 12, 2020

Or one person for 5 days. LOL
(edit: maybe 2 days.)

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