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Mount Rushmore

Moravian 8 Dec 18
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As long as no one puts Trump up their , we will be all right.

freedom41 Level 9 Dec 19, 2020

The vanity of humanity?

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

I get why the did the carving. It was a noble effort. What's not noble is that it was done on land that recently had belonged to the Native American tribes in the were most lands in the U.S.; and we lied and cheated to steal most of these locations.

The creation of Mount Rushmore is a story of struggle — and to some, desecration. The Black Hills are sacred to the Lakota Sioux, the original occupants of the area when white settlers arrived. For some, the four presidents carved in the hill are not without negative symbolism. The Sioux have never had much luck dealing with white men.

In the Treaty of 1868, the U.S. government promised the Sioux territory that included the Black Hills in perpetuity. Perpetuity lasted only until gold was found in the mountains and prospectors migrated there in the 1870s. The federal government then forced the Sioux to relinquish the Black Hills portion of their reservation.


Robecology Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

@Wisterious Don't get me wrong....I do think that the local tribe gets a token kick-back from the proceeds...and the art is unique...if you do go see it, be sure to go see the nearby Native American cliff carving - unfortunately it's still a work in progress....

Forgive the still hasn't fixed that;

But turn your phone or computer sideways, and read about an American who took on the carving of the Crazy horse cliff carvings. Sad but true story.


Not punny😁

jeshuey Level 8 Dec 18, 2020

It was a little punny. 😉

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