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Ever notice that the right wing/GOP (particularly the Texas variety) are always raving about snowflakes and socialism until karma comes along?

bookofmorons 9 Feb 16
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He's to stupid to know what a lot of things are.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 16, 2021

He's a socialist, but he just won't admit it. Like christian atheists, won't admit it. Pretty much the same reason too.

racocn8 Level 9 Feb 16, 2021

And yet he keeps winning by big margins. What does that say about Texans?

Robecology Level 9 Feb 16, 2021

He has only run twice for senate and almost lost the last election. He should head back to his native Canada.

@glennlab careful . . . he may have been born in Canada but that's no reason blame the country for his parents actions.

@bookofmorons I wasn't blaming you, but I was wondering if you could find a spot for him in one of the far Nothern Territories. You know a spot at thje bottom of Great Slave Lake.

@glennlab no worries at all . . but seriously his name has about the same appeal as Donnies here. he had his chance to stay but moved to TEXAS . . . and there you have it


Most of the people in Washington and even in this country have no idea what socialism is...


Oh, he knows, you socialize the losses when you haven't paid for maintenance.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 16, 2021

Have a friend who winters in Florida each year and comes home raving about how taxes in Canada are too high and how Trump/GOP keep socialism at bay. Yet when he developed colon cancer he was home in a flash for his socialized medicine (six year cancer free) and he has his meds shipped from Canada to his place in Florida because of high US prices too - hypocrite

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