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So once again my Assbook account has been put in jail for 60 days which is a real feat because I haven't been going there much since my daughter died from COVID last year in November... They had to go back several years and take memes out of context to find an excuse to put me back in the slammer...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Mar 6
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I got a 90 day suspension notice a week ago for three posts in 2015, 2018 and August 2020.
However, I contested them. Two were immediately forgiven with a "oops, sorry", and one I sent to their new supreme court. Havent' heard back on that one yet, but they've allowed me to post in the interim.

I contested the two they were complaining about and sent them to their new court but I haven't been back in the meantime because even when they admit it was their mistake my account always remains locked anyway. Besides I don't really go there much anyway as I said I only started the account in order to find her in the first place so I really don't give a crap about it.


Is FB becoming some sort of a North Korea online?!

It has been GQP central for a long time now with fake "purges" but the far right-wing groups are still there Assbook is helping them remain low profile.


Sorry t hear about your loss and FB jail sucks becuase there's no real appeal

I find it amusing as hell actually...



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