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Anyone who can pull the sword from the stone has the pick of the village virgins. As this is an equal opportunity trial it is open to men,women, LBGT, Trans etc.

Moravian 8 Mar 29
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Why the virgins? Wanting to have a virgin is basically a sign that you want someone who can't tell that you don't know what you're doing.

From my perspective, it's like asking to have my car serviced by someone who's never greased an axle in their life. I prefer someone who's had their hands on the parts a few times already.

Paul4747 Level 8 Mar 29, 2021

No penicillin back in the day

I had a 25 yr old who wanted to be with me. No, but thanks. Guess he wanted some training! A seasoned mechanic is much better!


& here's your choices...

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 29, 2021

Yup. Sometimes there is a reason why they are virgins

Many men don't look at the mantlepiece when poking the fire - if they did there would be fewer raped women.


I don’t like virgins, too naive.
I’m at the age where I relate more to people over 40 and if you’re still a virgin then, well let’s just say you need more help than I could possibly provide.


Biological roles are changing and evolving.

This was applicable in the middle ages...not now.

Don't fear the equality trend...embrace it.

You and I can still work on building your/our muscles and playing sports without fear of women or LGBT folk "moving in" on you/us.

Oh...and back then, picking virgins was important for population growth. Now it's that very growth that might end our existence.



Robecology Level 9 Mar 29, 2021

I can understand a female athlete being upset if a trans male beats her in a sporting event but in the case of South African Caster Semenya it is not quite so clear cut []

@Moravian Yes; I don't get why a male (genetically) trending to being a female would even want to compete on any sport teams...and I'm quietly glad that some states are banning it. Same with women trying to perform on any men''s team...I don't see nor comprehend her POV. Having said that; I welcome gay trending behavior....I even hosted a gay couple getting married...I just don't see the advantages of either "trans" person trying to compete in a sport. I witnessed a young man who was going through hormone treatment to become a woman try to run and win In track and field competition...and I feel sorry for their effort.

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