3 22

Sorry to get a bit serious but a few folks really need to see this.

jeshuey 8 Apr 2
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Truer words were never spoken.

freedom41 Level 9 Apr 2, 2021

I say that to everyone.
AOC isn't a hero in my eyes out of some kind of worship, she makes sense and that makes her dangerous but she is strong and courageous enough to keep speaking.
Should news break she's doing any form of exploitation I'll turn on her like I turned on Bush.
I am a vet, I have a certain idea about freedom and courage that sides with anyone opposing oppression.
I didn't even know there were others like me as a teen. Anti-War protesters during Vietnam had my admiration, but such people didn't live in my neck of the woods.
Well there was one, a Vietnam vet that lost an arm in the war. Our High School administrators assumed he was flag waving patriot and invited him to speak at an event. He spoke of courage to NOT go, the courage to disobey, he called himself a coward for going against his true feelings.
They cut his mike and escorted him from the stage.
I would have loved to become his friend, but I have no idea of what his name was.


Isn't it strange though, that most politicians become millionaires quickly
after joining the ranks?
Corruption follows money and power.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 2, 2021

Not strange anymore, expected.

yeh, support any at your peril imo

You have to be a millionaire to afford to run for office, it seems

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