3 3

Well now we know why he went batshit insane when someone found a copy of his high school year book.... Let's just see who else can figure it out...
Hint it is the highlighted part...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Apr 22
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How is it not surprising that his middle initials are S & M


Illegibly blurred. Try again.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 22, 2021

Jesse Helms Foundation and Dan White Society....


Sucker is a POS!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 22, 2021

Obviously but did you get what triggered that POS snowflake?....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Honestly, not really.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Jesse Helms Foundation? I expect that from that racist ass.

@phxbillcee You missed the other.... The Dan White Society... Dan White was the homophobe who shot Harvey Milk....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Honestly I did miss that! There was an F'n' "Society" for that fuck?!? That's just sick as fuck!

@phxbillcee I agree and think he was the founder and sole member to tell the truth because any group like that in a public school as well as most private ones would have been banned... This along with the defamation suits against him should have him working at Fat Edna's flipping burgers for the rest of his life....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz When I was in college I avoided all that crap. I just did my work & partied when I could - which was often. I went late, well after my USN service, so there was dooodley going on on campus, really. But, even when I was in HS and active, I didn't join anything, tho I was very active. Most of the "Movement" was led by prick guys in college inflating themselves & trying for harems. I used their orgs for their copy machines for my own groups "gatherings" & picked up organizing tips. Most were, unfortunately , pseudo- Marxists & absolute tools with little understanding of street organization & motivation. I was serious, but of the "freak" & sorta "yippie" persuasion. Theater was as valid as anything. My group brought a pig to a rally for Rizzo for Mayor in Philly touting it as an appropriate alternate.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz No, he'll neve have to work a real day in his life. Besides his FauxNoise money, which is a bunch, he is heir to considerable bucks, literal silver spoon baby. He tries to come off as a "populist", but he has no conception & really could care less.

@phxbillcee He is facing lawsuits from the parents who lost their children at Sandyhook and I hear there is another suit waiting for him from Dominion for 1.3 billion dollars as well... Trust me after the settlements and lawyers fees for all parties he is going to owe money....He will even have to pay for the surgery to remove that silver spoon from his ass so it can be sold to help pay what he is going to owe...
As for Fox their checks will likely be bouncing soon and the crackhead pillow Nazi is only worth 300 million so he might owe as much as 1.3 billion when the dust settles..

@Lizard_of_Ahaz & along w/ sidney powell & mike lindell I hope Dominion ruins them!

@phxbillcee Considering he is only worth 30 million I think Tucker Carlson is better off fleeing the country to somewhere that doesn't recognize extradition to the US....

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