No, they are made of hairballs and turds...and they leave it all over.
I have four indoor only cats none of them leave turds outside the box and hairballs are rare because they are all very well cared for. You must be doing something wrong...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz No, I am doing everything cats.
@MsKathleen Dogs shit everywhere so I will stick with cats they are not only far cleaner but in addition to guarding over me are extremely loving animals... Much more intelligent than a dog.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Cats shit and piss everywhere outside and it smells nasty ever after. If you don’t clean their litter box inside the house, they will shit all over the house. Dogs will wait until you let them out, unless you wait too long, and are easily trained to confine their “business” to a specific area. Dogs can be trained to do, or NOT do, lots of things; cats can only be trained to do, and not do, a few things, and only if they are within your eyesight. Leave the room, and they will do anything they damn well please.
@MsKathleen Like I said "doing something wrong" I am sure you don't like using a shit-filled toilet any better than a cat does... As for them "pissing outside" get them fixed so they don't mark their territory....
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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