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(Figured I'd Post some Political Satire here for a change...enjoy.)

Man Who Got D- In High School Science Class Has Strong Opinions on Fauci’s Performance


phxbillcee 10 June 7
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It doesn't take a scientific genius to observe the fact that Fauci has lied under oath and has changed his position on multiple Covid-19 related policies since January 2020.

BD66 Level 8 June 7, 2021

No, it doesn't take any type of genius, it takes a deluded , well, honestly...liar.

I'm just done with you. You don't know science. You don't understand discourse. You misrepresent facts. Yo just do the do-do you do. I'll just overlook you. I won't miss anything of substance.

"You don't need to go around wearing a mask." Always wear a mask. Wear two masks.....wear eleven masks.


So far I have been able to keep the evil COVID at bay, while living my life exactly as I always have. Don't fear The Reaper.

@BDair Keywords in that are "so far..."

So far, I've not been struck by lightning either, and the odds of that are still greater than me having any severe symptoms from a corona virus that has been circulating in the population for more than a year and a half without causing me so much as a fever.


This is almost too true to be satire, except the part where he admits his ignorance

glennlab Level 10 June 7, 2021

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