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Look, an anti-vaxxer

OldMetalHead 9 July 24
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Well have a blast!

jeshuey Level 8 July 25, 2021

If they were really religious they would give away their body parts as a live donor.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 25, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2021

My heart bleeds for this indoctrinated child but let’s not use pro choice language to describe religious fanaticism and savagery. It’s probably not her choice as women dressed like she is have very little choice.


Yeah, your body, your choice. Your mind, surrendered long ago. Just a shame that you won't just take yourself out...

phxbillcee Level 10 July 24, 2021

Another stupid who can't do it on their own but have to interfere in the lives of as many others as possible.

I wonder what the families of suicide bombers who survive them think of their sibling or child?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 24, 2021

Too often the bomber is celebrated & the family is honored & given gifts & respect from the community. Remember: "Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." So many ati-vaxxers are religious, too, which makes the whole "My body, my choice" hilarious as so many of them are totally anti-choice when it comes to women's health issues.

@phxbillcee thanks for the 1st "..." I like it.

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