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My maternal grandparents were like this and I will never be..

Killtheskyfairy 9 Sep 12
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And well before MTV there were artists of my youth like David Bowie, Lou Reed and The Kinks who wrote about and expressed gender non-conformity.

No kidding! That is what I meant with the mention of my grandparent’s hypocrisy. They used to say how disgusted they were by the kids of the 60s and 70s with the sex, drugs and rock and roll. We weren’t like that! I got them talking about how they met and what they did when they were young several times.

Grandpa did some bootlegging, made extra money as a bartender serving hooch in a speakeasy that had drag queens as performers and loved his Coca Cola when it had the extra kick of coca. He used to drink a couple and go for wild rides on his Indian motorcycle which he wound up twisted in a barbed wire fence so just left it there because he was too high to get it free.

Grandma loved her flapper persona and doing the Charleston but was initially distrustful of Grandpa’s request for a date. She thought he might be one of those white slavers who drugged young girls and sold them for drugs. He brought her flowers and a box of candy for their first date and she wouldn’t eat it until she was home safe from the date and then only a half piece at a time. She was very upset when she was no longer able to buy her cough syrup with codeine off the shelf because she drank at least a bottle a week.

They told me all this with out the tiniest bit of irony so every time they grumbled about the wild younger generation, I would just laugh!

@Killtheskyfairy When ever my catholic grandmother started preaching about morals I would count off on my fingers, Feb 20, March 20, Jun 20, Jul 7. She and my grandfather were married on Jan 20th and my father was born on July 7th that year. She said he was prem and as he was a twin it was likely he was but not that prem, not back in the 1930's


Skyfairy....does this make you feel old? It does ME!

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Sep 12, 2021

Not really! The musicians pictured were on MTV at the beginning. My kids were little and we used to dance to them in the family room. My millennials still like what they heard when they were in diapers.

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