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Accurate photographic analogy of xstains trying to get their bibble into politics and public entites...

Freespirit64 8 Sep 25
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Unfortunately, they appear to be winning, and that door may soon give way!


Doesn't reflect Australia.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 25, 2021

Well aren’t you a Jolly Swagman! 😉

@p-nullifidian the swagman in Waltzing Matilda actually made the song the most famous suicide song in the world. Most Australians don't realize it. That or know too well the duplicity of the police so prefer death to incarceration.

@FrayedBear Most Americans don’t realize it either, thanks! Kind of makes the use of this famous song in the movie “On the Beach” even more poignant.

@p-nullifidian I don't know "on the beach". 40+ years ago it was nearly voted in as the national song.

@FrayedBear On the Beach is a classic 1959 postapocalypse film starring Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner, where Australia is the last remaining continent that hasn’t been wiped out by a nuclear war.

@p-nullifidian aha, such a bad story\ film I didn't bother to remember it. Your observation is correct but not poignant IMO - more likely presciently wrong. We'll go first to be ultimately followed by the rest of you.

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