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Probably not far from the truth

bookofmorons 9 Jan 12
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It has seemed to go on forever...gee, I wonder if we would have been more proactive early on, & then gotten our vax percentage up to like 90+, & made a point to make sure every country had access to the vaccine, too, I wonder if we would be out of this by now... 'It's just a thought...'

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 12, 2022

I kind of feel we are in the home stretch on this but time will tell. 90%+ vaxed here but omicron is still having an impact ( but no deaths and very limited hospitalization s which is good)

@bookofmorons You are surely not in the States...

It wouldn’t have mattered because the whole world would have had to get to 90+% vaccination and there are poor countries that can’t afford to vaccinate their people. We have bought time, and prevented deaths, with the vaccine. We can only hope that we do not get a variant virulent enough to kill everyone.

@bookofmorons I believe you have your statistic wrong.

@phxbillcee you guessed it

@MsKathleen Where I live, as of today we are currently at about 88% vaccinated (at least one dose) BUT of those eligible for vaccination the number is about 92%.

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