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A client of mine posted this meme on social media this morning. It's a few years old, but reflects my views today.

Julie808 8 May 16
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My sentiments exactly.

I remember that. It made the rounds on Facebook awhile back.

Betty Level 8 May 16, 2022

It'd be great if people would be like that. However, our capitalism motivates people to be assholes. They make money from being assholes. They make money from encouraging others to be assholes.

Plus, a lot of people have fucked up wiring. They get a thrill from kicking down. They like yelling and lying. They want drama, and will be as obnoxious as they have to be until they get it.

What we need is are ways to profoundly change these people's minds and behavior. We have to do it forcibly because they are not about to volunteer.

racocn8 Level 9 May 16, 2022

Yes, I'm naive in thinking that creating awareness and peer pressure can make at least some small improvement with the common voters and their voices can change the minds of the politicians directed by the big machine that feasts off of the division created by controversies.

It's not naive. A lot of the bad behavior comes from people who are frustrated like we are, but they feel compelled to act out in toxic or violent ways. Don't give up. We can only do what we can, but we also need to be more creative and develop new alternatives. The big problem is that those that profit off division also bribe our politicians to prevent improvements.


pretty much


good share.

glennlab Level 10 May 16, 2022

Carry a gun. Don't carry a gun?

BD66 Level 8 May 16, 2022

It doesn't say that. I'm glad I'm in a state where very few people carry guns and some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. The one person I knew who showed me his gun collection is currently in prison for shooting his housemate for not cleaning up the crumbs in the kitchen after making a sandwich. Do I wish he didn't have any guns? Yes. Do I wish to tell him he can't? No.

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