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🤔Is this what Christians mean when they say that he carried his own cross to be crucified. 🤣🤣🤣

noworry28 8 July 29
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Foreshadowing ... LOL


spoiler alert! also why do Adam and Eve have belly buttons in all the paintings of them?

joeandbarb Level 7 July 31, 2022

His prophesy, a death wish?

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 30, 2022

I think we tend to underestimate the level of religious Fucktardism in the world. Even park rangers have to admit that the garbage cans in US parks are a compromise between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans visiting the parks.

SnowyOwl Level 8 July 29, 2022

It's the same kind of logic where we get the notion that fashionable top hats were inspired by the Monopoly piece.


It is a bit of pointed anti-Semitism. While the whole story portrays Jesus as having been a Jew, the hatred of Jews is a huge part of Christianity. Thus, portraying Jesus as 'Christian' highlights the obvious problem of Jesus being a Jew, and in so doing, reinforces the denigration of Jews and Judaism.

racocn8 Level 9 July 29, 2022
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