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Kia Souless - surprised this one hasn't been vandalized yet seeing as it's in floriduh.

OldMetalHead 9 Aug 2
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The free state of Florida,. holiday destination of many who claim to despise the place..

So much so Newsom has to beg Cali citizens to ignore the reality of high taxes , exorbitant rents & Street poop avoidance apps. To not leave for the sunny vibrant, culturally rich & affordable state of Florida.

But it's a RED state , so factory setting is to hate them.
even if unsure why.. .. interesting tribal behaviour.

So true,. Im just talking through a hole in my dairy aire.
Never having been to either state.
Must admit many have a first reaction hearing of some bizzare accurance. like.. Man who married pet alligator , arrested when his roommates objected to living room being flooded to create a swamp. Killed & fed roommates to alligator , claiming he was advised to carry out murders by marriage councillor.. Bet that's FLORIDA???


The Floridians haven't noticed yet that it says anything.

As befits the dumbs of Floridumb.


They dont read

3 proves most don't even read license plates.

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