Virtue signaling of the worst (hate-based) kind. Does she feel the same way about adulterers? Does she realize that, as a woman, by Christian scripture, she has no business being in Congress. It's the ugliest sort of hypocrisy to use a bible as a brick while knowing nothing about its real contents.
Maybe she's a closet lesbian?
It would not surprise me at all if she was a closet lesbian, nor would it surprise me if she had a huge collection of lesbian orgy porn and gets off on it regularly.
I'm sure she feels threatened. Who in their right mind would want to be married to her?
A very dominant, very Christian male. Sadly = they're still abundant.
@Robecology There is no way that I would want to go anywhere near her "reproductive" bits. The very idea of her gives me instant brewer's droop.
Jealousy makes for a bitter woman.
A woman's smile can make her look very attractive. Brace yourself and have a look at the expression on her face. I think I could run a mile away from her in only 3 minutes.
@anglophone Hence her bitterness.
Hartzler has a major attitude problem. Her attempt to ram her narrow mindedness down other people's throats is odious.
They're just pouty-poo frustrated children, demanding the ''right'' to monitor everyone else's morals.
She probably feels very threatened by the diversity of other people's values.
@anglophone Well, DUH! Nobody has the right to dispute her xtian values!
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.