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Posting Christmas greetings

glennlab 10 Dec 24
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Just pondering how this is an agnostic group, yet are more Christian/ Christiany than the Christian forums. This neme speaks volumes . Plenty of food for reflection.

Christmas has nothing to do with Christians, I celebrate all holidays. Jesus was born in the Springtime probably around Mar or Apr, Humans have celebrated the equinox for at least 13000 years, well before any of the "modern" religions existed.

@glennlab Jesus was born?? I find it strange that all neighbouring nations, most of whom wee meticulous record keepers, never mention a Jesus, josuha or any other name, that did the things the Jewish "mafia" attributed to him, it.
Even if he was a social reformer like Martin Luther King, there is no mentionof such in the Sumerian , phonetician or Egyptian cultures. Surely a man who performed miracles would have bee hot news everywhere?
just musing

@Kurtn Why would there be any mention of the bastard son of a carpenter from a backwater of the Roman empire. To the Romans he was little more than a criminal they executed. Roman history omits many of the governors and at least one emperor. As far as other records, in 70 CE, the Romans burned all of Israel, dismantling the cities and burning all documents and dispersing the people left alive.

I find it strange that out of all I had to say, you picked out the word born, as if that invalidated my premise that his birth had nothing to do with what I celebrated at Christmas.

Here's some more food for thought, I'm not Mexican, but I enjoy Cinco de Mayo, I'm not Irish but I celebrate St Patrick's Day, I'm not a dead Veteran, but I celebrate Memorial Day, I'm not a Mother, but I celebrate Mother's day. I spent almost my entire career in management, but I celebrate Labor Day. I've been divorced for 10 years, but I still celebrate Valentines day. In fact about the holidays that I do qualify for are father's day and Veterans day.

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Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.

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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.

Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.

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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl

Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl

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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.

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