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Living on an island where we are almost tripping over chickens daily, these memes are cracking me up, though I realize that those who depend on eggs for their diet or business are feeling this temporary price hike. I tend to buy mostly local eggs, when I do buy eggs, and they are already expensive anyway, so it's all good here!

Julie808 8 Jan 14
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The man is now fucking with our bacon & eggs! That's some messed up shizznic.

Emme Level 7 Jan 16, 2023

So glad that raising chickens has become popular...My son does it in Jupiter Florida...and I welcome the fresher, darker yolked eggs.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 15, 2023

On Kauai, there really aren't all that many people "raising chickens" but years ago during the last big hurricane, the fighting cocks got freed from their coops. So we have roosters and hens all over the place, running wild, but they aren't really the kind for eating or for collecting eggs.

It is joked that the recipe for cooking a Kauai chicken, since they're so tough, is that you put it in a pot of water with a rock and some seasonings, boil it until the rock is tender, then you cook the chicken for 2 more hours, haha!

@Julie808 son won't even consider cooking the chickens; young/old/male/female.

He's happy collecting eggs.

I bet there's plenty of eggs out there!

@Robecology The wild chickens are pretty good about hiding their eggs off in the bushes. Seldom see any eggs, but sure enough lots of hens with chicks following them around. One day there are 7 chicks, next day 5, next day down to 3. Not sure if it's the feral cats that are getting them, or they're being run over by cars, or what, but we still have too many chickens!


Apparently, before we moved from the "old house," we had chickens. And while I remember a lot from my first 5 years, I have little memory of chickens. My sister, however, remembered them and said it took her a few years to correlate why one of "her named" chickens vanished and our family eating chicken that day.

always a mistake to "name" your supper

I was advised by an old country woman that if your chooks stop laying then it's a good idea to leave the sharpened axe leaning against the door post of the coop.


Here's two more.


Whole new meaning to choke a chicken.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 14, 2023
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