6 17

They thought they were saving money when they got rid of proofreaders.

glennlab 10 Jan 21
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I'm sure when they named "Frist" boulevard they never intended the misspelling (yea, Second and Third do exist)...

Google Fort Pierce Florida Maps to fact check me;

Robecology Level 9 Jan 23, 2023

looks like Michael Tysons next career as a proofreader is already happening

joeandbarb Level 7 Jan 22, 2023

I peed a little!


It's twenty oneth street!

More seriously, that is the sort of absurdity that happens when you get ignoramuses in positions of power.

anglophone Level 9 Jan 22, 2023

I'm a former poofreader.

Mickey Level 5 Jan 22, 2023

Can I line up 1,000 pooftahs for you to examine their assholes?

That is a great , though very under appreciated talent. I was production manager at a newspaper during the early years of spell check, It was pulling eye teeth to explain to upper management that spellcheck would never be able to replace proofreaders..

@anglophone What does it pay?

@anglophone, @glennlab I've noticed more grammatical errors in the past five years than ever before. In fact before spell check I rarely noticed spelling and grammar errors. Seems like AI which drives the spell check and auto correct is no where near perfection.

@glennlab I am merciless whenever any document crosses my desk for assessment. My experience as a teacher of English Language kicks in, and heaven help any author who imagines incorrectly that he or she has done an adequate job.

@Mickey It pays 3,000 typos per hour. (And yes, I sometimes have a very warped sense of humour. Or should that be cents of humour or scents of humour?)


👍So did I
That's really hard to pronounce!
Try it out loud.

Emme Level 7 Jan 22, 2023

If a person wants to lisp all they have to do is change the S's to TH"s. Mithed you birthday. Hope it wath happy.. for example

@Mickey 👍🤣


You weren't the firth one to try that.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Jan 21, 2023

are the lastesth.

@glennlab apparently I was the lasthesthesth so far.

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