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Meanwhile... On Easter Island today... Haha!

Has anyone ever been to Easter Island? My son has a fascination with it, and I think hopes to see it someday.

Julie808 8 Apr 9
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Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice....

Aquaman is making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, because he can't do jack

Paul4747 Level 8 Apr 16, 2023

Never been there, but I've read quite a bit about it from a military history perspective. The islanders declined from a peaceful Polynesian society to one of the most pointlessly violent that has ever been. By the time Europeans arrived in 1722, the island's population had dropped to 2–3,000 from a high of approximately 15,000 just a century earlier. The ruling class were called "the men with bloody hands", if that gives us any indication.

Paul4747 Level 8 Apr 16, 2023

BTW - I noticed that the German's not only created the Easter bunny...but it was a pre-christian thing...and the Germans were first with the chocolate easter bunny as well!

The Germanic folk, known as the Teutons, worshiped pagan gods and goddesses. One such goddess was Eostra (otherwise known as Ostara or Ēostre). She was revered as the goddess of fertility and spring. The word “Easter” finds its etymology from the goddess’s name.


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