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Place the blame where it belongs.

glennlab 10 Feb 24
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Sad that anyone misunderstands socialism. It's what makes America work.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 25, 2024

I love me those pie charts that show Massive amounts spent on the military and a teensy tiny sliver spent on food stamps and then to listen to repugs rant about how they will eliminate the tiny sliver "to balance the budget"
Yeah, that's the ticket..........


That information in that post is 100% false.

BD66 Level 8 Feb 24, 2024

Socialism is basically investing in everyone - not just the wealthy & powerful. and yes we should always demand accountability whenever and where ever our tax dollars are spent

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society


Socialism, not a dirty word in Australia, is sold to us as a "safety net" for the most vulnerable in society so they are included and able to participate in that society. The ideology with this is you can judge a society on how it treats it's most vulnerable. So talking minorities, both physical and metal disabilities and the most important, vulnerable ones; children. Many social programs are aimed at children like education, a good thing for they are the most vulnerable group in any society. The group where a little money can go a long way with many benefits eg vaccination programs

puff Level 8 Feb 24, 2024

I appreciate the point, but I would like to see a breakdown of how our taxes are generally allocated. Does anyone know how to search for that ?

Here's a start with some graphics.


but if you want to get rid of your hair by scratching your head...


I just Googled "pie chart of government spending" and I highly recommend everyone is eye-opening....approx. 60% is military-related. Everything else, everything, is tiny slivers.

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