3 15

Wrong bootie .

mistymoon77 9 June 20
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Hey, a nice ass is a nice ass...

Minta79 Level 7 June 20, 2018

It's even worse, when the hot blonde across the bar invites you to her room, includes all the free whisky and pot you want, and when you retire to the bedroom....her dick is TWICE as big as yours...
I STILL have nightmares of it.
That was in 1976.....

OH NO! you actually had an encounter with someone like that. wow. I am sure that will stick in your memory for many yrs and then some.

I ran out of the room with clothes in hand...ran down the hall to the exit door, almost ran onto the sidewalk NUDE, remembered to get dressed but, was missing a sock and my shirt.
I didn't go back to look for them!

@KevinAverett LMAO... omg.. you could make a movie out of that. or maybe there is one already..

It would make Freddy Krueger look like a lap dog!


I think I'd react just the way Snoop did!!!

phxbillcee Level 10 June 20, 2018

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