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That’s one way to get your cardio....?. (You might even say OMFG!)

CalvinJoe 7 June 26
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Running fast? Do bears...SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!


Actually, I've heard it's bad to try to run when chased by a bear, because then you look like prey. It's better to take your chances holding your ground and getting as big as possible. Not saying I would have the guts/balls/backbone to do any of that, but that is what I've read, LOL.

ejbman Level 7 June 27, 2018

I am hitting the ground and curling up into a ball, you can go ahead and run looking like a meal

zorialoki Level 8 June 27, 2018

That would work - see attached

@CalvinJoe The trick is to curl up in a ball, they may bat you around but usually give up. If they have a choice between a ball or running prey they will probably opt for the runner

@zorialoki - let me know how that works out to you

@zorialoki - let me know how that works out to you

@CalvinJoe I can guarantee you won't outrun a bear


You don't have to out run the bear, just your running partner.


That's extreme cardio

mek7730 Level 7 June 26, 2018
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