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Freedom Boner!!!!

ClaytonE83 7 July 6
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It wouldn't surprise me.

gigihein Level 8 July 6, 2018

This is what I did last election

Exactly. #MeTooInAGoodWay

@SkotlandSkye And tRump thanks both of you.

@Eirteacher oh, damn, you are one of those dingbats that blame people who VOTED for a real candidate instead of blaming half the voting population who couldn't bother to get their lazy asses to the voting booth. Why don't you take your head out of your ass and place the blame where it belongs? It belongs on the idiots who don't vote and the bigger idiots who vote D or R and keep this insane two party system going. There is no difference between Ds and Rs...they are just to side of the same problem. Now, sod off and don't ever write me again or reply to anything I wrote until your IQ comes up a few points.


Please do, I have a passport and have no use for people of his ilk

zorialoki Level 8 July 6, 2018

It wouldn't surprise me if he were to say that. He's not the brightest bulb on the
tree, despite his claims.

KKGator Level 9 July 6, 2018

You mean our "stable genius"??? LOL!

@phxbillcee Yeah, that fucktard.

@BohoHeathen orange, but missing a bulb

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