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For my possum friends, you know who you are.

mistymoon77 9 July 11
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Update one of the dogs took out a baby possum sad to say. I so want them to stay and make more possums.

Blissfull Level 5 July 14, 2018

so cute


Ugly damn things...

phxbillcee Level 10 July 11, 2018

@Jonado This is a tradition that has been a part of this group since long before you showed up. A 'possum gets posted, I post roadkill. I will continue to follow the tradition. You do not decide what gets posted.

@Jonado & if you don't believe me ask @Blindbird or @Insectra, who often post 'possums. They know what follows & it's a running joke. Sorry you don't like it!



Have to continue the tradition (this is for you @Blindbird & @Insectra!!!)

@phxbillcee Hmm you exclude me? I'm so hurt...

Where's my dead possum? Awww....

@RavenCT You didn't post a 'possum, so you don't get roadkill! Don't be greedy now, it's breeding season so there's plenty to go around!


Ok I really want to find opossums adorable but so far I just find them useful and an important part of my garden eco system . Now my little dog often wants to be inappropriate with the possum. He does not understand possom talk to get consent. So he tries to mount the poor possum and the possum either hoses him down with poo or plays dead. Poor thing.

Blissfull Level 5 July 11, 2018

Poor possum! I'd really like one in my yard. And I no longer have a dog who would molest it. lol

@RavenCT You've been single so long I'm worried that you'd molest it!!!

@phxbillcee Nah. The animals are safe. Trust me.

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