Abrahamic religions seem to be obsessed with circumcision /genital mutilation. Well, they seem to be obsessed with sex and control on the whole. The number of males and females undergoing involuntary circumcision is very high in these religions. Somehow, this isn't classed as abuse.
It seems it was a two-fold (no pun intended) reason. Trying to control the sexual urge & that bit of ceremonial "blood-sacrifice" that seemed so prevalent in the old testament!
@phxbillcee Even though god chose Moses, it took Zipporah slicing off her son's foreskin and throwing it on Moses feet for god to calm down from one of his random (and common) fits and not kill him.
It's strange that this Abrahamic god even bothered to create the foreskin, clit/labia/vulva only to get humans to cut them out.
Muslims dig out clitoris flesh and some sew up labia to prevent penetration b4 wedding night
I believe it's to desensitize that little bugger's head by constantly having it rubbing on one's clothes.
Yes, there's some Jewish thing somewhere that essentially says that.
@Carin what id like to know is who thought that up? "Yeah, let's slice off some foreskin and see if that works"...
@Freespirit64 I heard it was their sandy environment....
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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