5 12

Yet they never seem to get arrested.

North40 5 July 17
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Too soon? The vatican covers their asses up.



mek7730 Level 7 July 18, 2018

Good one!~


o my you guys are relentless, true story 1985 trailor park grew up un small white church bus came tried herd kids on bus w/o parents permission or anything. I was 7 year old bad ass cussed out priest said we aint goin, he said to me wanna know what your face is gonna look like win it burns in hell then start weird face starting screaming in agaony. I ran for my dad , he got back on bus drove off never saw that bus again. weird shit no?

@North40 wasn't really that smart but had seen enough porn and horror movies at 7 no something wasn't right. this incident 1 or 2 other I remember from childhood always made me stay good distance from any church


Did you hear that they are going to reboot the exorcist? A mother hires the Devil to pull a Catholic Priest out of her son.

LEPeff Level 8 July 17, 2018

Good one! Maybe porn hub has that version

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