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Who says sex is dead?

glennlab 10 July 30
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It's an elevator. When it goes up it makes the pop, swish noise like you are opening an old fashioned glass bottle of coke. The first time I was there you could ride it up to the top floor where they had a theater where you could watch the old commercials. And, a big soda fountain. You could taste a whole bunch of Coke products from around the world. Corny and great fun. The bottom floor was all t-shirts and key chains and other assorted crap. Lol. Also a great big Coke polar bear you could pose with. Last time I was there the elevator was no longer in use. I don't know about the top floor. And, there is the M&M store right next door! Gotta love Vegas.

Booklover Level 7 July 31, 2018

Hilarious 🙂 No way they weren't thinking of how that looks 🙂 I have to wonder if this was even real. "Come inside" 🙂 lol

you know they did, that is one of the busiest intersections in Vegas, you don't pay what I'm sure they had to without a lot of cussing and discussing. Dante's was across the street before it was torn down.

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