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When someone mistakes the dick pic. I bet that'll stop him!

Tomfoolery33 9 Aug 5
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Screenshot and saved for the next dick pic

Thank goodness I don't get dick pics!

@tnorman1236 The last time I was negotiating with a guy from CL to help me build an arbor... we were chatting and flirting and suddenly he sends me that. I was furious and sent him an angry, long rant, choice words included. He wrote back "I should have sent this one first" with a photo of him and his kids. I was happy to send another angry rant, explaining exactly why his behavior was inappropriate, and pointing out he didn't even apologize. He wrote back saying this won't affect our plans, will it? I wrote back "Are you out of your fucking mind?" which was my last comment. He wrote a couple of more times that night trying to get me to chat again and I ignored it. The next day he texted again to ask if we were still on. I ignored it.

The thing is HE STILL DID NOT APOLOGIZE. How idiotic can a person be?

@tnorman1236 I deleted the discourse but there are SS somewhere that I might be able to dig up.

I was incredibly upset. There were about 5 ways that was offensive and mean. I was still upset the next day

@LionMousePudding I really, really don't understand it. Who thinks a dick is attractive anyway? Maybe in the heat of lust, but just in everyday reality? Please. And not apologizing after you let him know how much it pissed you off? smh


You must share the pic!


Reason number #2 not to send an unrequested dick.

Reason #1 is that's it just rude and gross.

True dat!

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