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I can't stop laffin and I don't even know what he said!

Boogey 8 Aug 9
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Did you know that he sold more records that Elvis and the Beatles in Uganda?

@Boogey I know! I loved when he played Gumby, Mr. Robinson and James Brown! He had me laughing! Still does! I was trying to find the one where Buckwheat got shot! That was epic! Lol

@Boogey, @LEPeff I did not know that! Something else I learned today! I'm going to check that out!

@Boogey me too! I loved his Rick James stories on Dave Chapelle!

@Boogey yes, they were! Oh and the Prince one too! So epic! Lol

@MichelleGar1 cocaine is a hell of a drug!

@LEPeff right! LMAO!!!! I'm Rick James bitch!!


He said, "Bak Shays, Why Gub. Wookin Shop, Wookin Pa Nub"

GuyKeith Level 8 Aug 9, 2018

@Boogey It's that watery beer, I'm telling you.

@Boogey There you go. The last time I had gin I remember waking up on the bathroom floor with an ugly woman. Not you, of course.

@Boogey Were you in Memphis, in the Sigma Chi Fraternity House a few decades ago?

@Boogey Yes, but in mass quantites, with grapefruit juice and salt, it got me in a bad way. Salty Dogs, I think they call them.

@Boogey They have no taste. I'm sure your singing is at least as good enough to gator to. They did have a cool house, though.

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