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On a serious note...

Tomfoolery33 9 Aug 19
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Look, I can't easily joke about "American"propaganda in this context. North Korea is in the hands of a despot, and even if that were not true it is physically located in a geographical site that has China potentially being a very nasty neighbor. South Korea has become a democracy and continues to want reunification. So the idea here if giving the North Koreans facts, not propaganda appeals a great deal to me.

I don't agree with any government repressing it's people. But I am more of a shitposter and tend to be sarcastic with my comments. Too many Governments feed us propaganda. Some are worse than others. I do hope North Korea is able to educate themselves soon.


Fill North Korea with American propaganda instead!

nikkir Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

Maybe South Korean propaganda. Then Kim might call that an act of war.

No. The idea is just to let them see what the rest of the world sees. Not political bullshit. Books and music and etc.

what I was gonna say perhaps we should free our own minds first.

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