4 6

Well, this is one way . . .

John-Paul 7 Aug 27
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Put in a Benjamin every time & I can hold my breathe & close my eyes. FAST easy monnn...aayy.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 27, 2018

Don't you love the female responses to this meme? Someones not getting much on their birthday.

Anonbene Level 8 Aug 27, 2018

If what anyone receives for their birthday is in anyway tied to how often they "put out", the person they are with isn't worth the powder to blow their loser ass to hell. There is nothing funny here. Only just more of the same old misogynistic, testosterone-fueled bullshit, we've all come to know and hate. Not finding this humorous doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor. It just means I expect stuff that's supposed to be humorous to ACTUALLY be funny.


OR, the other party can break the jar, and use the shards to cut his heart out, and his dick off.
That's definitely another way to go.

KKGator Level 9 Aug 27, 2018

Well said!

@Sirena Thanks, Sirena. This kind of thing isn't remotely funny to me, and I have a fucking awesome sense of humor.

"if we in a relationship", how about YOU make me WANT to have sex with you, and not expect it as if it's somehow your "right" to get it whenever the hell you want it??????

"A place to post memes. Bad taste is encouraged"

@KKGator and pay for it!? Not your whore...

I like your sense of humor! I get what you're saying ?

@John-Paul I get the bad taste encouraged. It's not like you were reported... just called out. Two different things.

@John-Paul Indeed. Never said that you shouldn't have posted it. Didn't say anything about you, either.
Just said that the person who came up with that "idea" should have his dick cut off and his heart cut out.
No need to take it personally. 🙂

@KKGator No need for violence. Just up the price.

@Countrywoman You do you, I'll do me.

@KKGator But violence for no birthday gift? Really? Now if there was physical attempt at force then absolutely. But cutting a heart out for monetary coercion? A little extreme.

@Countrywoman It has nothing to do with birthday gifts or money. You absolutely missed the point.

@KKGator I get the point. Personnally no man would ever approach me with this idea. I would not have endured a moment with such a pud. I was attempting levity at an absurd concept.


Maybe reword it "so, how your birthday will turn out is IN you"

John-Paul Level 7 Aug 27, 2018
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