You're not an asshole for wanting that, but why are you trying to make me pay 75% income tax?? Do you think all tg at is free??? I worked and out myself thru schoo... And I grew up in the projects!! Go and ask a Canadian citizen how much they pay in taxes!! Nothing invthis world is free!! If you're not paying for it, someone else is!!
You're not an asshole for wanting that, but why are you trying to make me pay 75% income tax?? Do you think all tg at is free??? I worked and out myself thru schoo... And I grew up in the projects!! Go and ask a Canadian citizen how much they pay in taxes!! Nothing invthis world is free!! If you're not paying for it, someone else is!!
Yes we have universal healthcare. But the system in the States is flawed. Not tax the people, tax the corporations. Cut funding for the military. Redistribute that money to healthcare and education. Cut out the middleman with healthcare. Freeze drug costs. We do in Canada our medication is way cheaper. Sorry I ranted there.
Not sure I'm looking everywhere, or maybe I misunderstood you, but I couldn't find this 75% income tax.
"For the year 2016, there are many tax brackets:
$0 to $11,474 – 0% (this is not really a bracket but the personal exemption level)
$11,475 to $18,451 – 15%
$18,415 to $45,282 – 25%
$45,283 to $90,563 – 30.5%
$90,564 to $125,000 – 36%
$125,001 to $140,388 – 39%
$140,389 to $150,000 – 41%
$150,001 to $200,000 – 42%
$200,001 to $300,000 – 47%
over $300,000 – 48%"
I walk into my doctor's office tomorrow for whatever reason, or go to the emergency room at a hospital, or pop in one of the thousands of walk in clinics in every city, see one of the higher trained & rigorously tested physicians in the world and walk out without paying a dime.
Just saying.
(Edited to add source)
I have been called an asshole for much worse!!!
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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